Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Here We Go Again...

So, I am going to try this again…it seems like “life” has gotten the better of me for the most part and I just haven’t written on this blog like I would like to. But now that we are on the ground in M-ville (more on that later) I feel like I will need an outlet and want to be consistent with this. I so appreciate other friends from around the world who are good about blogging about life in their respected places because I feel like it is a huge part of advocacy for what is going on around the world and how the Father is working…and given where we are and what we are doing, the same voice needs to be ringing out from here as well…so here goes it.

The reality of this huge transition in our lives is finally beginning to set in. Even for the first few days in K-town I couldn’t quite wrap my head around the fact that we were back. Maybe because we were SO enjoying life and time with family and friends in the States that we didn’t really go through the period of restlessness before we came. Usually we get sick of where we are and become very excited about making it to our new location…but we were just having so much fun that it didn’t happen! Or maybe the fact that we were busy with little t turning a year old and obsessing about how he would adjust. When we were landing in K-town, A and I turned and looked at each other, my mom on one side, little t on the other and said to each other, “can you believe that this is really happening”?!?

It has been a long road back to this crazy land. A year mostly filled with HUGE transition to having a child (the most delightful little boy ever, I might add). It was also filled with big questions about where the Father was leading next, deep healing and restoration, great grief and loss (we lost 6 friends from our organization here – 4 of them young adults), and many questions and times of waiting to see what the Father had in store next. I feel like it was a year of quiet growth…feeling like we were being molded and shaped in faith and trust. It was a constant battle and discovery of what the Father wants for us…because part of us could have very easily settled down in our little house in the States and felt right at home…but we felt that we were being asked to do more. After our friends were killed, we immediately thought that we wouldn’t make it back here. But we came to the conclusion that we didn’t have peace about staying in the States…there would always be the nagging feeling of wondering how life would have been if we had gone back…because we didn’t have peace about staying.

So, here we are…A is hooking up the washing machine and a diaper sprayer, we have running water and electricity and a fridge. My mom and I made Christmas cookies today. Little t and I jumped on the trampoline. We have a great team and are beginning to get our feet wet again. The Christmas decorations sit in the corner…maybe we will get to them tomorrow…for now, I just marvel in the goodness of the Father. There are so many little ways that He has blessed us richly since returning. There have been hard and frustrating times so far and there will be plenty more, but the quiet peace has not left…and we bask in that.

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