Friday, August 27, 2010

On A Lighter Note

I really do want to use this blog often to talk about what is going on in our lives…not just the deep stuff, but the fun stuff as well…and most of the fun these days involves Tariq

~ He is so close to crawling…always popping up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth…he has made a few little moves, but they aren’t really coordinated yet.

~ It is fun to see him interact with people…he is such a ham, smiling at everyone, talking, flirting. He LOVES his grandparents and it is fun to see them enjoy him so much.

~ Thankfully he has done MUCH better on our trip to Wyoming this time than last…he has been sleeping much better and is generally just in a better mood.

~ He is infatuated with Sage the dog (my parents’ dog). They spend a lot of time looking at each other and T just cracks up whenever Sage gets close.

In not so fun news…our car died on top of the high mountain pass getting here on Wednesday… we are talking engine dies while Andy was going 75 in the left lane passing a semi with a truck right behind us dies….thankfully he was able to get it off the road and a few minutes later it started up again and drove to my parents house…it has a date with the mechanic tomorrow morning and we are hoping it isn’t anything huge…especially hoping that that is the only minor catastrophe we have on this trip (each time we come, something crazy happens).

Very fun to be with my parents and Tate in these days…they are just great and we enjoy time with them. We will be here until Tuesday and then head down to Colorado Springs where we have meetings Tuesday afternoon/evening…really wishing we had more time to spend in the mountains, but we are strapped seeing as we have Wednesday and Thursday to drive to Missouri…and the trip just keeps going from there. Some day we will get to spend time in the mountains again. For now we are soaking up time with the family and loving it. Off to watch Tate play football and then see friends tonight!

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