Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You Know You Live in M-ville When...

You get excited about a trip to the bazaar to buy raisins...

Life has been quiet here M-ville...quiet meaning security has been good and quiet meaning security has been tight. So we haven't been doing much.

We have had guests in town this week (hence the lack of blogging) and though we have loved it, it hasn't been overly exciting for them.  Not there there is a lot to see or do in M-vill anyway, but when you are not allowed to walk or go many places...it makes life pretty quiet. Some would say boring, but I prefer quiet. It is all about perspective really.

Thankfully our bosses from our sending org (who are wonderful) were understanding about this season of life.

Also thankfully, our other guest has worked in country for a while, so she gets the whole gig.

And most thankfully, they were all thrilled with a short trip to the rug bazaar, a shop to buy scarves and a short trip to buy raisins.

You can't please everyone, but can be very happy when your guests are easily entertained!

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