Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We are not lacking in the kids department here on our team.  Our British friends have an 8 year old boy and a 6 year old girl.  The Finnish family that we share a yard with have girls who are 9, 7, and 4 and a boy who is 6. The other Finnish family on our team will be returning in a few weeks with a new baby boy to round out their family. They have a 10 year old girl and a 5 year old boy.

Our yard has the playhouse and the trampoline...and A. If the kids had their way, his full time job would be to play with them instead of work. Loosely translated, our yard is busy and noisy and all kinds of wild.

The other day A and Little t were swinging in one swing while Charlotte (the adorable Finnish 4 year old) was swinging on the other.  They started going at the same pace and were swinging together.  Very excitedly Charlotte said to A, "we are swinging together, that means we have to get married!"

A told Charlotte that he was already married (to me) and couldn't get married again. He suggested that Charlotte marry Little t instead.

Very seriously, Charlotte looked at A and said, "But I can't. I can't marry my very best friend."

So sweet.

In other...not so sweet news...there is a 'sleep-over' at the office this weekend that I am being weaseled into joining.  It sounds fun, but slightly intimidating.  Little t hasn't been sleeping great, so I am not sure I can get away with going, though I really want to.

The jest of the event is the all-night making of this floury dough stuff that comes from the first harvest of something (maybe I should go so i can actually know what I am talking about)...and it is to signify good crops, etc.

Should be a good time.

The ladies A works with are party animals and I am sure it will be very interesting. Something, though, tells me that they didn't invite me just for my company...

The event is also a fertility ritual...

The truth comes out!

I have been not been pregnant for a whole 15 months.  I know they are worried. They have been asking. I keep telling them that we will start thinking about more kids soon...soon-ish...sooner than later...eventually.  

Apparently they have decided to take matters into their own hands!


  1. Hahahaha! That is really hilarious. I'm trying to imagine how well that would go over here in the States. Hmmmm, which if my friends need another baby right about now . . . ?
