Monday, March 21, 2011


I am kinda stuck. I had an amazing weekend..mostly filled with spending glorious time with local women.  I want to write all about it...I am working on it. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed at getting it all down...not just the events, but all the thoughts and feelings and stirrings that accompany the very fun times. So, eventually I will post about the weekend and all of its craziness.

My other problem is that it is insanely beautiful out right now. We were outside ALL DAY today - playing with Little t, planting the garden, soaking up the sun. It was great.  So, while I want to be writing, the sunshine is like a giant magnet...

I will get to it, I promise.  Meanwhile...

I found this blog tonight and I really really like it.

Read these two posts and be completely challenged. I dare you...

Out From Under the Umbrella

Whatever He Wants

I then found this blog (linked to the one above) and was totally so beautiful.  Please read it. I am telling you, you won't regret it.


So...I figure, these three posts should give you enough to chew on (and then some) until I can get my act together and finish up some writing.

I will say it again - just to be annoying - please read these posts - you won't be disappointed.


  1. So happy you found me and I found you!! Love the few posts of yours I read...especially "The Alien Will of God" one. Wow. You are living this stuff out. Awesome. Look forward to following the adventure God has you and your family on!!

  2. I read each of the posts...took my time to soak in each one. So impacting! I don't want to walk away from them and forget what I read.

    Thank you for sharing them.
