Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Been Two Of Those Weeks

You know the saying, “it’s just been one of those weeks”? Well we are on week number two here…things breaking, pipes freezing, plans falling through. Some days it just feels like it never stops.
A.P. said the other night that he is feeling good and isn’t quite ready (or desperate) for a break yet. But then our stove wasn’t working, the power has been non-existent, the transformer we just had fixed blew up and we can’t pump water. Today he is declaring that he is ready to get out of here.
It would be nice to think that we just have to pack suitcases and hop on a plane (if the flight we were supposed to be on did not just get cancelled...). That we could just forget the issues and deal with them when we come back. But reality is never so perfect is it? We have to completely tear down and pack our house (like take out the wiring, carpet, everything) to be stored.  You know, like ‘in case of emergency’ stored…so it can be put on a truck if need be, or won’t get eaten by mice, or leak if rained on.  Essentially, we have a lot of work ahead of us. And it wouldn’t be so bad if the things that help keep our lives running smoothly didn’t keep falling apart. But clothes and blankets can’t be stored dirty. They can’t be washed without water and the water can’t be pumped without the power…that can’t run without the transformer…that won’t stop blowing up. Anyone else noticing a vicious cycle here?
It is also somewhat daunting to think that we will have to set up another house when we return…which means wrestling with electricity and water issues once again…in a house that is somewhat notorious for being a pain in the neck when it comes to those things (not to mention with a new baby thrown in the mix). So, while we work hard to not think that far into the future, and focus on the tasks for today, sometimes our minds do wander. In those moments,  we can be heard subconsciously releasing a little groan of dread at what is potentially to come.

We are fine, just a little frustrated and overwhelmed at the task ahead of us.  In the midst of it all, we are continually reminded of how good we DO have it, even when we take that for granted. I almost cried last night as I took a hot shower for the first time in…I can’t even remember how long. It was SO nice as compared to a chilly sponge or bucket bath. It was truly a rare treat these days! So, we will keep learning how to ‘count it all joy’ even if we have to do it stinky and hungry and in the dark!

Please be pra.ying for us in these days. We really want to finish well and not miss opportunities to be salt and light in these last few weeks. We know that Satan would love to keep us from that…to wear us out, discourage us, help instill bad attitudes in us that would sour our leaving and cloud our vision from being focused in these days.  We need grace and strength and patience in these days…with our neighbors and co-workers, with Little t and with each other.  Please pr.ay for wisdom as we re-book flights, try to pack and prepare, and keep life somewhat stable for Little t. Thanks for all you do for us…we couldn’t handle this journey alone.  

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