1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before? Went to Mexico! A always teases me that I have traveled a lot, but have never been to Mexico…but he can tease no more because I have arrived, baby!
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I wasn’t really thinking about new year’s resolutions this time last year… I have some things in mind that I would like to be more diligent in this year – completing the yearly bible reading, being more consistent with healthy eating and exercise, brushing little t’s teeth every day, communication with family and friends, making friendships here, etc.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yeah, my dear friend Grace had her little boy. Two of my cousins had babies.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Unfortunately this was a bad year for us…we had six friends from our organization here die this last year. One died from carbon monoxide poisoning – she was 21. 5 others were killed on August 5th when the group of 10 were murdered. It was a painful year.
5. What countries did you visit? Wow, I feel boring on this one this year! Only A-stan and Mexico. 2009 was better – Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, U.A.E., A-stan…that sounds more like my life!
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you didn't have in 2010? More consistent devotional time… I am bad, people. I know that I am put in that category of missys (even though that isn’t what we are…we are here professionally, remember?) that are supposed to be super-spiritual…but it just isn’t true. I want that daily time, I NEED that daily time…it has to happen.
7. What dates from 2010 will be etched upon your memory, and why? I can’t think of the specific dates right now...just the events.
- The day we bought our house.
- The three days (in January, Julyish and late August/early September) when we looked at each other and said, “we have to go back” and knew that we would wind up here again.
- The days right after those that sent our world tumbling down and us wondering if that would be a possibility. January - really struggling with little t and feeling like we couldn’t even parent him well in the States, how in the world would we be able to do it here!, July – security gets terrible and our sending org questions our ability to be here and then August 5 when our friends are killed.
- August 5 will forever be etched in my memory. We were in Goodwill on our way home from speaking at a large conference (we had had a great week and were excited about what was next…we were actually talking on the way home about booking our tickets to return here). In Goodwill A took a phone call and I will never forget him saying “yeah I know them, why? They have been killed?!?” The color drained out of his face and he blindly grabbed a rack of clothes to steady himself on. When we got out to the car, he didn’t talk for 5 minutes as he started off into the distance before telling me about our friends. When we got home that night, A looked at me and said, “I hope you like our house because we aren’t going anywhere, we can’t go back there after this”. It was a very painful day.
- The following day, August 6 was just as painful. We were quietly and internally dealing with the news the night before (we had been told it was still confidential so we hadn’t shared it with anyone) only to wake up to calls and texts from family who had heard the news…suddenly our small bubble of grief and safety was burst open and the wound became much bigger and more painful as we had to share with others, answer questions, justify everything, explain unknowns, etc. I remember feeling alone because noone around us really understood but everyone had questions, reasons we shouldn’t go back thoughts and opinions on the matter, etc. It was a painful.
- A week or so later our very dear friends Daniel and Renee came to visit. That was a day of healing – to sit and be honest with them, to talk and cry and vent and scream about what we were feeling and going through.
- A day in late August where we met with our boss in Colorado Springs about future direction. We were tired and went into the meetings knowing that our hearts were telling us we needed to return, but knowing that the murders of our friends and security were major strikes against us…our boss looked at us and basically said, “we believe the Father wants you there and is leading you in that way. What can we do to make that happen because we are behind you all the way.” We were in shock but our hearts were so full of peace and thankfulness and joy.
- Three days before Christmas A talked on the phone with the parents of his good friend G who was killed…that was another painful day, but one that brought much healing…I could tell from a distance that their conversation was very good for both ends and just had a sacredness to it.
- Our last time in Blairsburg with our chrch family there was a good day. There was such a sense of peace and the Father’s presence as we left.
- I could go on and on…it was a big year for us…even though we only traveled to A-stan and Mexico! J
8. What was your biggest achievement of this year? Learning to listen and wait in big ways…we worked through a lot of uncertainty and grief. We healed and grew in a lot of ways…there was just a quiet steadiness to what the Father was doing and I am proud of us for not getting impatient and rushing it, but believing that in His time He would show us the way and He did…and here we are!
9. What was your biggest failure? Interaction/communication with siblings.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? No, I had a pretty healthy year, thankfully.
11. What was the best thing you bought? Our house – and we love it…and can’t wait for other people who work overseas to be able to use it…so a shout-out to you all…if you need a place in central Iowa for when you are home, let us know!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? My mom’s…she was just amazing on the trip. She took everything in stride, she smiled through everything, she was so helpful. It was just a joy to have the time with her. There were a lot of things she could have had a terrible attitude about, but she was wonderful.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? The people from Kansas who protested soliders’ funerals…not okay at all.
14. Where did most your money go? Baby, house, coming here.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Seeing old friends again…it was SO fun to catch up with people and share my family with them…I really enjoyed it.
16. What song will always remind you of 2010? I couldn’t come up with one…
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? Happier, thinner, about the same (not worried about being rich, though)
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? Enjoyed little t in the first few months instead of just stressing about him…tried to make it possible for him to spend more time with my siblings. Went on dates with my husband. Spent more time with good friends.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? Worried about little t, tried to justify how we felt the Father calling us to people who would never really get it anyway.
20. How did you spend Christmas? We had family Christmas before we left the states and had a lot of fun. We spent Christmas Eve and Day with the team here and unpacking boxes.
21. Did you fall in love with 2009? I came to love and appreciate A in so many new ways this year…don’t know what I would do without him. Little t stole my heart this year as well…what a guy.
22. What was your favorite TV program? We got really into the Apprentice…A was convinced he could win the show…and we watched the Office…and when we were at A’s grandparent’s house we watched a lot of HGTV…totally addicting!
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Hate is a strong word…no, can’t say that I do. I take it back…I currently hate the washing machine (that yes, I am in love with) for stopping midcycle when the electricity went out…that is a lot of very wet clothes…thankfully it rinsed them before it stopped!
24. What was the best book you read? Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah….oh my goodness…it still gives me goosebumps… also, Not For Sale by David Batstone. It is about the global slave trade and will infuriate you, make you sick, humble you, convict you. I really believe that every person needs to read it while asking the Father what they should be doing in light of it. Read it, I dare you.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? That I would pay more money to listen to Aaron and Nikki Petersen sing than I would Selah…true story.
26. What did you want and get? A House. We used some money being passed down to us that needed to be invested to buy an hold house in a small town in Iowa. When we got married, we started talking about getting a house to have for when we were home in the States. So, we just keep looking and waiting for the right thing to come along. In January or 2010 we actually found our house and the price was right (dirt cheap – all we could afford) and we got it. It was such a blessing to have our own place to be and we look forward to our kids having a stable place to return to when we go back to the States to visit. Also, we wanted it to be available to other people who work overseas when we are not there, so it is available if anyone needs it.
27. What did you want and not get? To be completely back in shape after having little t. I am a pretty athletic person, so I didn’t think it would be hard for me to lose the weight and get back in shape…but I was wrong. Still working on it , unfortunately. Really looking for effective and creative ways here, cause I don’t get out much…
28. What was your favorite film of 2010? I don’t even know what films came out last year…but films we watched that we liked…Australia, Blindside…there was another one, but I can’t think of it now.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 28. We were in Illinois at the cabin that my Dad’s family has (where his mom lived before she passed away). We had been very very busy for a few months and were tired of traveling, so we almost didn’t go, but it was such a great and relaxing time. We just soaked in the quietness and beauty of the lake, went out on the boat, spent time with my Aunt (she took us out to eat on my birthday – thanks Aunt Jane!) watched movies, and just chilled. It was really a great few days and we were so glad we took the time in the end.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? I can’t really think of anything…I am sad that A and I didn’t get to have a night or weekend just to ourselves without little t before we came back here, but I can’t say that it would have made it immeasurably more satisfying…just would have been nice.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2010? Blah… I don’t really spend money on clothes (only will shop thrift stores, sales, etc.). I especially felt that way this last year when we knew we wouldn’t be there long, had just had a baby and wanted to lose weight and get back into shape. So it was just kind of take what I could get and it worked, I was clothed and that is what matters right? In my more selfish/materialistic moments, I really wanted to rush out and get cute stuff to wear, but didn’t.
32. What kept you sane? A and our parents…and the Father’s still small voice. I can’t really describe it, but it was a year of Him quietly speaking and moving and it was very beautiful to be in tune to that. We never felt rushed to make decisions, we never had monumental moments of learning or growth or even knowing what was coming next, but it was a constant abiding. It was hard at times because the big booming voice is always more convincing, convicting and trustworthy, right? But there was such a steadiness to is that was so beautiful to be a part of.
33. What political issue stirred you the most? I would have to say the war…it was a very odd feeling to have been here and then to be home and see what the general public in the west is told and what they believe and how that dictates their reactions, decisions, etc. The more I saw both sides, the more I struggled with the idea of the conflict in general…I get the arguments for both sides…I have heard them all enough. But I also get that this is people’s lives - humans we are talking about here and I think that gets lost too often on both sides of the fence. So, I was stirred in my thoughts and beliefs about that more than anything, I think.
34. Who did you miss? People who work here with us. It was hard to be back in the States, to be honest. We were traveling a lot, we didn’t really fit in (part of us never settled too much because we knew we wouldn’t be there long) because our lives and experiences are so different…we just see the world very differently – for better or worse. Not that we didn’t enjoy our time in the States, it was wonderful, but there were times (like after our friends were killed) when we struggled to find people who could relate on a deep heart level. I also missed my dear friend Steph a lot, she has been such a huge influence and encouragement in our lives and missed spending time with her. I also missed family. Our families are so spread out, so it was hard to be in the States, but not spend as much time with my family as I would have liked.
35. Who was the best new person you met? Tara L. I had heard about her a while ago and had been stalking her blog for quite some time, so it was awesome to finally be able to meet her. I so appreciated being able to spend time with her and her husband, it was one of those connections where you “get” each other right away and A and I were so thankful for that at the time (and still are). We really admire Tara and her family for the work they do and the sacrifices they make to bring hope and healing to the people of Haiti – good work friends!
36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010. I think I learned a lot about the value of life and how much our Father loves people. I also learned a lot about His unchanging nature and was really blessed and challenged by that this last year.
37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. Again, couldn’t think of one.